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来源:整理 时间:2024-05-10 23:11:27 编辑:国外旅游攻略 手机版



Night studying the details of the trip, a look at the map, an island, a famous city. see the city, of former geography textbooks and the novels of dickens. in england except two days of work, there are seven days of time in britain, how to arrange the seven days? london to oxford and cambridge, i will go to the list. edinburgh, manchester and liverpool feel nottingham, the ritz, birmingham, at newcastle,



美国的没有云南动物园的倒是有I had an unforgettable experience. A year ago, we are one family to go to Yunnan. Where we visited the zoo. There are a lot of animal in the zoo, before I was just in the television to see them. A fierce tiger, cute, beautiful butterflies, and the long nose elephant etc.. There are a lot of tourists, in gives the animal photography. I most like a monkey in a, they in the rope swing, eat a banana is very interesting. I give them took many photos.
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3,英语作文旅行日记用wherwhathow how来写60词

On the night of July 15th,2002,I went to Changsha for my holiday on a train.It was very hot. The temperature went up to 38 centigrade.It was stuffy and crowded in the carriage, so many passengers wanted something to drink.Just then, a young man came to deliver water with a water jug in hand."Water, water.Free water. "The young man shouted while walking.2002年7月15日晚,我乘火车去长沙度假。天气很热,气温高达38摄氏度。车厢里又闷又挤,因此许多乘客都想喝水。正在这时,一个年轻人提着水壶来送水。“水,水。免费供水。”年轻人一边走一边大声嚷着。A middle-aged woman asked for a glass of water and was very thankful to the young man.But after a while, two tall and strong men came to charge her 5 yuan for that glass of water.The woman looked at them for a while,then she took out a 5-yuan note from one of her pockets and handed it to one of them.Though she said nothing, her eyes were full of anger.The two men went away without any sense of shame.一位中年妇女喝了一杯水,非常感谢他。可是过了一会儿,来了两个又高又壮的人向她要5元水钱。她看了他们一会儿,从口袋里掏出5元纸币给了其中一个人。尽管她什么也没说,可是她眼里充满了愤怒。那两个人毫无愧色地走了。This was the most unpleasant trip I have ever had.这是我经历过的最不愉快的一次旅行。

英语作文旅行日记用wherwhathow how来写60词


